How Emerging Tech Can Help Dismantle Inequality In The Workplace

Maria Flynn, President and CEO of Jobs For the Future, highlights Basta’s work in Forbes Leadership Strategy (published on May, 6th 2024).


It’s no secret that racial and gender discrimination can affect every stage of employment, from job searches to promotion opportunities. These enduring biases perpetuate the structural inequity previous generations have faced and continue to hurt today’s workers and the U.S. labor market. In fact, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that closing the racial equity gap in business could yield $8 trillion in economic growth, and the World Bank suggests that closing gender gaps would lead to a 20% boost for the global GDP.

New, tech-enabled solutions are emerging to help dismantle barriers to success and offer all employees the support systems that can be implemented company-wide. Some of today’s top employers are taking action, using these new solutions to champion talent practices that not only foster inclusivity and support the advancement of groups facing systemic barriers but help recruit and retain workers.

Basta, for example, is a program that focuses on fellowships for first-generation college graduates, who experience marked income disparities compared to their peers whose parents earned at least a bachelor’s degree. Basta uses a custom-built career navigation tool powered by the Seekr artificial intelligence platform, along with one-to-one coaching, to help Basta fellows secure quality jobs. Within one year of the fellowship, 81% of Basta fellows report securing employment.

BASTA’S Mission is to close the employment gap for first-generation students of color and change the face of workforce leadership.

Click here to learn more about Basta and our partnerships.


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